11 Ways to Improve the Customer Experience

What is the customer experience?

One famous definition of customer experience (CX) comes from Shep Hyken, a renowned customer service expert:

“Customer experience is the sum total of all interactions a customer has with a company. It goes beyond just providing good customer service, which is reactive, to delivering an experience at every touchpoint, which is proactive.”

CX encompasses individual transactions and the entire journey a customer takes with a company. That’s why it’s so important to be proactive in shaping positive customer interactions and experiences rather than merely reacting to their needs as they arise. CX is about consistently exceeding customer expectations and creating meaningful connections throughout the entire customer journey. This article will cover 11 of the most important ways to do this.

How important is the customer experience?

Creating consistently excellent customer experiences is crucial today, no matter the industry. It is a key variable (many argue THE key variable ) that determines success and longevity.

Just one bad experience can make customers leave. According to a study by PwC, 32% of customers say they would stop doing business with a brand they loved after just one bad experience.

Here are three reasons why it’s so important:

  1. When customers have positive experiences with a company, they are more likely to remain loyal, make repeat purchases, and recommend the brand to others. Bain & Company found that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%. Conversely, negative experiences can lead to customer churn, damaging the business’s reputation.
  2. CX influences brand perception and differentiation. Companies that excel in delivering exceptional experiences stand out from the crowd. Positive CX helps build trust with customers–and trust is key. According to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer, 78% of consumers worldwide say that they must be able to trust a brand to do what is right, and 64% choose to buy or boycott a brand based on its stand on societal issues.
  3. CX has a significant impact on revenue and profitability. Studies consistently show that businesses with superior customer experiences outperform their competitors financially. Satisfied customers are less price-sensitive and willing to pay premium prices for products or services. Harvard Business Review found that customers with the best experiences spend 140% more than those with the poorest experiences.

11 Ways to Improve Customer Experience

  1. Understand the VoC: Understanding the Voice of the Customer (VoC) is critical for shaping compelling customer experiences. Customers expect you to know what they want. A Salesforce report found that 72% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. Surveys, social media monitoring, and customer reviews can give you valuable information about what your customers actually value and prioritize. It empowers you to act on data instead of assumptions about what your customers want. It helps you make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience improvements.
  2. Build out a customer journey map: A customer journey map is a strategic tool that helps you visualize the customer’s journey chronologically. It will differ for every product, but it often includes touchpoints like an initial discovery phase, purchasing, using a product or service, and post-purchase support. The goal is to step into your customers’ shoes and illuminate their emotional journey—their motivations, frustrations, and moments of delight.
  3. Capture customer feedback in real-time: Customer feedback is essential for gaining timely insights and addressing customer needs quickly. One of the best ways to do this is through a survey on your website or mobile app. Keep it short, simple, and accessible to encourage immediate responses.
  4. Capture employee feedback: Employee feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the CX because engaged employees are likelier to deliver exceptional service. Employee surveys are one of the best ways to understand pain points in the customer journey. Employee feedback gives you insights into product/service quality, customer interactions, and operational efficiency.
  5. Learn and act on employee feedback: What do you actually do with employee feedback? Carefully analyze survey results to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. Then, identify actionable steps to address the feedback and make a plan to implement these steps. Finally, communicate with employees about how you’re incorporating their feedback.
  6. Empower employees: Employee empowerment is crucial to a positive culture and a meaningful improvement in CX. Empowered employees feel trusted to take ownership of their work and take action to improve the CX, especially in ways outside that are outside predefined processes. They can imagine better solutions and creative ways to act in favor of the customer. Autonomy is the key element here: Employees should be empowered to make decisions with the customer’s best interests in mind. They should be recognized and rewarded for their contributions and involved in decision-making processes.
  7. Create a seamless omnichannel customer experience: Integrating all the CX channels can be a complex process: connecting technology, consolidating customer data, maintaining consistent branding and messaging, and enabling smooth channel transitions. But it’s worth it. Cohesive customer experiences across all channels enhance customer experiences.
  8. Personalize the customer experience: Tailor interactions, products, and services to meet individual customers’ needs. Key steps to achieve this include collecting and analyzing customer data, leveraging technology for segmentation and targeting, and offering personalized recommendations and promotions. Customization enhances engagement, builds stronger relationships, and increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  9. Create metrics and track ROI: Establishing clear metrics is essential to tracking CX’s return on investment (ROI). CSAT & NPS are two of the most popular measures of CX. CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) measures overall satisfaction with a product, service, or interaction by asking customers to rate their experience on a scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10). Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and advocacy by asking customers how likely they are to recommend the company to others on a scale of 0-10.
  10. Use data to improve the customer experience: Customer feedback, behavior, and interaction data are the basis for targeted improvements. Continuous monitoring of key metrics helps you track progress and validate strategies. Through data-driven actions, you can deliver tailored experiences that drive satisfaction, loyalty, and, ultimately, business growth.
  11. Tap in AI to optimize the experience: Leveraging AI involves utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of data and deliver personalized, efficient, and seamless interactions. You can use AI across various touchpoints, including customer service, marketing, sales, and product recommendations.


Prioritizing and improving the customer experience (CX) is vital for businesses across all industries. Start by choosing a few of these 11 strategies to implement, and you’ll gain a competitive advantage, as studies consistently show that superior customer experiences lead to increased profitability. Embracing a customer-centric approach and continually striving to improve the customer experience will be crucial to success in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

To optimize the customer experience further, consider connecting with Customer Service Profiles (CSP). We specialize in crafting tailored strategies and solutions to elevate your CX. By leveraging our 35+ years of experience in CX, you can ensure that your organization is well-equipped to deliver exceptional experiences that drive satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth. Contact CSP today to take your customer experience to the next level.

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