Get Your Organization To Be Customer-Centric

Customer-centricity is a hot topic, but some organization still fail to create a culture and experience that truly puts the customer first. Pre-existing services, the status quo, a well-intentioned focus on technology, and overwhelm due to change all distract from a truly customer-centric financial institution. Take these steps with your executive and management team, and […]

2019 Litmus Test

Entering the fourth quarter of 2019, the financial services space is evolving faster than ever. Is your organization keeping up? Consider the following topics and have an honest conversation within your organization about the way you are working to evolve, improve, and stay relevant in an industry in flux. Those who can be agile and […]

First Impressions Count

First impressions are hugely important in the world of digital banking, online shopping and the multitude of competition for attention in the digital space. Therefore, when thinking about your financial institution’s efforts to draw in new customers, respect them by creating trust and providing value, being as clear as possible about what makes your institution […]