Maintaining Customer Trust With Open Banking

Open banking is a new venture for established financial institutions to share customer data with third parties, notably FinTech partners, to bring more value to the customer. There is an inherent risk in sharing this data, but the benefit of partnering with FinTech organizations offers immense value. Notably, customers can benefit by viewing their finances […]

2019 Financial Institution Trends

2018 was a big year for financial services. Innovation with the advent of FinTech partnerships, a major push for digitization and a focus on omni-channel experiences defined a big transitionary period. In 2019, these areas of growth and change will continue, along with astute tailoring of new technology and opportunities. Most importantly, financial services organizations […]

Technology and Analytics: 4 Trends for 2019

2019 will bring about change for financial institutions and other businesses alike, with an overriding theme of using technology in a more sophisticated, customer-centric way. Until recently, data and technology have often felt like solutions to business challenges. However, customer information and digital interactions open up a myriad of new challenges and potential pitfalls. As […]

Digital Strategies For Your Financial Institution’s Online Presence

Digital strategy is becoming increasingly important for financial institutions, especially as we see more and more omni-digital customers focusing a larger percentage of their brand interactions on digital channels. Moving into the future, financial institutions must be agile and innovative in their digital approach. Consider the following factors as your financial institution moves into the […]

Your Branch Strategy Should Guide Your Digital Presence

Most financial institutions put time, energy and money into their in-branch customer experience. They think about each need, each touchpoint, and how the experience can best serve those who support their business. And, likewise, most financial institutions (and businesses in general) think about their online presence. However, the physical storefront and the online presence don’t […]

The Omni-Channel Quick Guide

Omni-channel interaction is imperative to master for the modern financial institution. Rather than focusing on various channels’ individual performances, omni-channel marketing puts the customer at the center, and views the channels as a means to an end. Most importantly, the omni-channel-focused financial institution ensures that whether a customer interacts in a branch, on their phone […]